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Master of Science Degree

Broadfield Science Major

This page briefly describes opportunities currently available at A&M-Commerce for science teachers who wish to obtain an MS with a major in broadfield science. The program described below contains an emphasis in physics. The other science departments at A&M-Commerce(Chemistry and Biological & Environmental Sciences) can provide this program with an emphasis in their respective areas. This program is being re-emphasized to allow teachers to gain background necessary to comfortably adjust to the TEKS that took effect in the fall of 1998.

Course Requirements for MS in Broadfield Science

  • Physics: 531, 532, 526, 561, and 595 (Research Techniques)
  • Chemistry:  529, 597
  • Biology:  505, 532
  • Earth Science:  510, 572

*Course substitutions can be made with permission of the Head, Department of Physics

The broadfield science major is available in the Option II, 36 hour master's program (12 courses). The major consists of 24 hours arranged in three fields in a 12-6-6- pattern (4-2-2 courses). Theoretically it is possible to have a minor with this program but the recommended procedure is to have 5 courses (4 + 595) in one department and to have the other courses in the sciences and/or math with possibly an education course.

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